Recent Faculty Publications

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2023 Metadata = 44 publications: 2.93 / faculty member

Ahmed, W. (2023). Understanding 'Marxist development' in Marx's terms in a world of climate change. Area Development and Policy, 1-13.

Ahmed, W. (2023). Nurturing the production of nature. Human Geography, 16(1), 101-103.

Ansah, H. A., & Ahmed, W. (2023). Behind the curtain of public spaces: Revealing the narratives of corporate street hawking in globalizing Accra, Ghana. Geographical Review, 1-19.

Chatterjee, I. (2023). Quintessence of urban India: Musings about social change from the perspectives of the slum dweller and the displaced. Social Change, 53(2), 256-274.

Chatterjee, I. (2023). Marx's "Species Being" as an ontological revolution against the "Green City/Global City" agenda: Two possible moments of reclaiming "Species Life". Capitalism Nature Socialism, 1-19.

Chatterjee, I. (2023). Roll on that day: A dialectical poetry. Human Geography, 16(1), 109-112.

Chatterjee, I. (2023). First conversation. Human Geography, 16(1), 98-101.

Isazade, V., Qasimi, A. B., Dong, P., Kaplan, G., & Isazade, E. (2023). Integration of Moran's I, geographically weighted regression (GWR), and ordinary least square (OLS) models in spatiotemporal modeling of COVID-19 outbreak in Qom and Mazandaran provinces, Iran. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 1-15.

Rahimi, E., Jahandideh, M., Dong, P., & Ahmadzadeh, F. (2023). Potential anthropogenic and climatic factors affecting Iran's international wetlands. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 1-18.

Huang, P., Zhao, X., Pu, J., Gu, Z., Feng, Y., Zhou, S., ... & Dong, P. (2023). Linking random forest and auxiliary factors for extracting the major economic forests in the mountainous areas of southwestern Yunnan Province, China. Ecological Indicators, 148, 110025.

Rahimi, E., & Dong, P. (2023). Identifying barriers and pinch-points of large mammal corridors in Iran. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 1-13.

Tian, J., Dong, P., Xing, Y., Shan, W., Wang, Q., & Li, D. (2023). Comparison between biophysical analysis model and dimidiate pixel model for the estimation of forest canopy density. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 17(1), 014518-014518.

Ma, X., Man, Q., Yang, X., Dong, P., Yang, Z., Wu, J., & Liu, C. (2023). Urban feature extraction within a complex urban area with an improved 3D-CNN using airborne hyperspectral Data. Remote Sensing, 15(4), 992.

Rahimi, E., Barghjelveh, S., & Dong, P. (2023). Estimating the pollination supply of urban green spaces to determine suitable areas for urban agriculture in the city of Tehran. Urban Ecosystems, 26(1), 19-30.

Hudak, P. F. (2023). Concentrations of sulfur dioxide in urban air space above North Central Texas, United States. Papers in Applied Geography, 1-10.

Hudak, P. F. (2023, January). Segmented trenches for recovering contaminant plumes from lined waste impoundments. In Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Waste and Resource Management (pp. 1-6). Thomas Telford Ltd.

Hudak, P. (2023). Lawns too hot for dogs in warm weather. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 26(2), 147-152.

Kang, W., & Wang, Q. (2023). The impact of COVID-19 on small businesses in the US: A longitudinal study from a regional perspective. International Regional Science Review, 46(3), 235-265.

Wang, Q., & Kang, W. (2023). Small businesses and government assistance during COVID-19: Evidence from the paycheck protection program in the US. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0308518X231166407.

Luo, W., Zhou, Y., Liu, Z., Kang, W., He, S., Zhu, R., ... & Huang, B. (2023). Cross-regional analysis of the association between human mobility and COVID-19 infection in Southeast Asia during the transitional period of "living with COVID-19". Health & Place, 81, 103000.

Hatch, E., Wang, C., Kang, W., Karna, B., Sabinsky, N. & Ferguson, K. M. (2023): Geographies of opportunity for youth across the contiguous United States, The Professional Geographer, in press.

Oselin, S. S., Ross, J. G. M., Wang, Q., & Kang, W. (2023). Fair chance act failures? Employers' hiring of people with criminal records. Criminology & Public Policy, 00, 1-30.

Li, Y., & Clift, P. D. (2023). Controls on grain-size variability in the Holocene fill of the Indus Submarine Canyon. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 93(2), 71-87.

Ma, Q., Lin, J., Ju, Y., Li, W., Liang, L., & Guo, Q. (2023). Individual structure mapping over six million trees for New York City USA. Scientific Data, 10(1), 102.

Liang, L., Daniels, J., Biancardi, M., & Zhou, Y. (2023). Reconstructing aerosol optical depth using spatiotemporal Long Short-Term Memory convolutional autoencoder. Scientific Data, 10(1), 842.

Liang, L., Daniels, J., Bailey, C., Hu, L., Phillips, R., & South, J. (2023). Integrating low-cost sensor monitoring, satellite mapping, and geospatial artificial intelligence for intra-urban air pollution predictions. Environmental Pollution, 331, 121832.

Dale, D. S., Liang, L., Zhong, L., Reba, M. L., & Runkle, B. R. (2023). Deep learning solutions for mapping contour levee rice production systems from very high resolution imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 211, 107954.

Zhang, S., Zhang, C., Cai, W., Bai, Y., Callaghan, M., Chang, N., ... Liang, L. ..., & Gong, P. (2023). The 2023 China report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: taking stock for a thriving future. The Lancet Public Health.

Neme, G., Abbona, C., Gil, A. Otaola, C., Johnson, J. A., Nagaoka, L., & Wolverton, S. (2023). Late Holocene environmental rebound in Northwest Patagonia: Zooarchaeological, stable isotope, radiocarbon, and ancient DNA evidence. In Questioning rebound: People and environmental change in the protohistoric and early historic Americas, edited by Jones, E. L. & Fisher, J. L., pp. 43 - 53. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake.

Boakye, K. A., Iyanda, A. E., & Oppong, J. R. (2023). Urban greenness and hypertension among Ghanaian adults. African Geographical Review, 42(1), 72-84.

Northeim, K., & Oppong, J. R. (2023). Mapping health fragility and vulnerability in air pollution-monitoring networks in Dallas-Fort Worth. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 1807.

Okyere Asante, P. G., Owusu, A. Y., Oppong, J. R., Amegah, K. E., & Nketiah-Amponsah, E. (2023). The psychosocial burden of women seeking treatment for breast and cervical cancers in Ghana's major cancer hospitals. Plos One, 18(8), e0289055.

Liang, L., Guo, H., Liang, S., Li, X., Moore, J. C., Li, X., ... Pan, F., & Gong, C. (2023). Delayed Antarctic melt season reduces albedo feedback. National Science Review, nwad157.

He, H., Hu, Q., Pan, F., & Pan, X. (2023). Evaluating nitrogen management practices for greenhouse gas emission reduction in a maize farmland in the North China Plain: Adapting to climate change. Plants, 12(21), 3749.

Wang, J., Pan, F., An, P., Han, G., Jiang, K., Song, Y., ... & Pan, Z. (2023). Atmospheric water vapor transport between ocean and land under climate warming. Journal of Climate, 1-41.

Jiang, K., Pan, Z., Pan, F., Teuling, A. J., Han, G., An, P., ... & Dong, Z. (2023). Combined influence of soil moisture and atmospheric humidity on land surface temperature under different climatic background. Iscience, 26(6).

Wang, J., Pan, F., Li, H., An, P., Han, G., Jiang, K., ... & Pan, Z. (2023). Impacts of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on tropical precipitation via triggering anomaly water vapour transport from ocean to land. International Journal of Climatology, 43(4), 1839-1852.

Aversa, J., & Rice, M. (2023). Available short term rental data: The need for more spatial research. Papers in Applied Geography, 1-14.

Abbona, C. C., Neme, G., Puig, S., Videla, F., Gil, A., Johnson, J., & Wolverton, S. (2023). Paleoconectividad entre poblaciones de guanacos del noroeste de La Patagonia: Un estudio de ADN antiguo. Chungará (Arica), (ahead), 0-0.

Johnson, N. A., Beaver, C. E., Kiser, A. H., Duplessis, M. A., Wagner, M. D., Ellwanger, R. J., ... Wolverton, S. ... & Smith, C. H. (2023). Molecular data validate historical and contemporary distributions of Pleurobema riddellii (Bivalvia: Unionidae) and help guide conservation and recovery efforts. Endangered Species Research, 52, 1-15.

Badenhorst, S., Driver, J. C., & Wolverton, S. (2023). The exploitation of rodents in the Mesa Verde Region. Research, education, and American Indian partnerships at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, edited by S. Ryan, pp. 325-334. University of Colorado Press, Boulder.

Lyman, R. L., & Wolverton, S. (2023). Quantification in zooarchaeology and palaeoethno (archaeo) botany. Handbook of archaeological sciences, 2, edited by Pollard, M., Armitage, R. A., & Makarewicz, C. A., pp. 1211-1225. John Wiley & Sons.

Wolverton, S., Figueroa, R. M., & Armstrong, C. G. (2023). Integrating historical ecology and environmental justice. Journal of Ethnobiology, 43(1), 57-68.

Wolverton, S. & Dombrosky, J. (2023). Becoming a researcher: Making the transition to graduate school, revised edition. Contributions in Ethnobiology, Socety of Ethnobiology, Boston.