Wei Kang | Department of Geography and the Environment

Wei Kang

Assistant Professor
ENV 320J

Dr. Kang is an Assistant Professor of Computational Spatial Science. Her research interests reflect methodological and substantive concerns. Her methodological interest is the development of spatial/spatiotemporal analytics and local spatial models which could provide spatially enhanced insights into complex socioeconomic processes. Her substantive research interest is in housing, residential mobility, urban & neighborhood change, inequality, and disaster resilience. Her current project investigates eviction and neighborhood change before and after the COVID-19 pandemic in Inland Southern California using a multiscalar, comparative, and mixed-methods framework.

Dr. Kang is also the core developer and maintainer of the widely used open-source spatial analysis python library - PySAL.

Dr. Kang is currently teaching "Introduction to Python Programming" and will offer "Geographic Information Analysis" and "Advanced GIS" in future semesters.