This semester has flown by with just about two months left. We are halfway through
the semester and faculty and students enjoyed a much-needed break! This month's student
spotlight highlights Marsh Baker. Marsh is a senior working on his BS in Geography with a concentration in Environmental
Studies. He is currently working with Dr. Yuting Li in Geography and with Dr. Narahara
in Anthropology. Through the Honors program Marsh is working with Dr. Li on researching "global coral reef protection initiatives, and how they
vary regionally." Marsh is also being mentored on a research project by Dr. Narahara
that focuses on "queer ecology and national parks."
Residing in Arlington, Texas, Marsh is a local to the DFW area. Marsh commented that UNT's environmental initiatives (i.e., We Mean Green Fund and other sustainability programs) and UNT's chapter of the Society of Ecological Restoration were a few things that drew him to the campus. His love for nature led him toward a major in Ecology. He soon realized that the social science aspects of nature appealed to him more. Through Dr. Ferring's Sustainability class Marsh was able to align his interests and the opportunities that Geography offered with his educational goals. This led Marsh to major in a BS in Geography with a concentration in Environmental Studies. He has really enjoyed meeting professors and other students that share his interest in conservation and environmental justice. He has been able to engage in scholarly research and discussions in his classes and outside of his major. One thing that Marsh continues to learn about is time management. Working part-time and attending college full-time puts a lot on his plate, so learning to manage his time is critical.
After he graduates, he plans to pursue a master's degree. His end goal is to oversee outreach programs that teach people about wildlife in their backyards. His hope is for them to foster respect for "our wild[life] neighbors." Through these programs he wants people to be more cognizant that "nature is everywhere" including in our cities and suburbs.
Some fun facts about Marsh are that he loves all invertebrates; his friends have commented that he knows way too much about bugs and other creepy crawlers. He also really enjoys running biweekly tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons. Coinciding with his love for nature, Marsh has deemed Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center a "hidden gem" in Denton. He loves to wander around the grounds on the weekends. Clear Creek offers him moments of relaxation to sit and soak in the sun while watching the bumblebees and grasshoppers. If you have never been to Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center in Denton, make it a point to stop by. They have free walking trails, bike trails, and occasional workshops/events open to the public. It is a great place to unplug and relax.