Harry Williams...Publications | |||||||
1. Elliott, P. and Williams, H.F.L. 2019. Evaluating Sea-Level Rise Hazards on Coastal Archaeological Sites, Trinity Bay, Texas. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 2019, p. 1-19 2. Yao, Q., Liu, K. B., Williams, H., Joshi, S., Bianchette, T. A., Ryu, J., & Dietz, M. 2019. Hurricane Harvey storm sedimentation in the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge, Texas: Fluvial versus storm surge deposition. Estuaries and Coasts, 43(5), 971–983. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-019-00639-6 Abstract 3. Williams, H. and Liu, K-b. 2019. Contrasting Hurricane Ike washover sedimentation and Hurricane Harvey flood sedimentation in a Southeastern Texas coastal marsh. Marine Geology, 417. 1016/j.margeo.2019.106011 Abstract 4. Williams, H., Long V.H., Elliott, P., Nguyen, H.H. and Manh, H. 2019. A Tentative Record of Mid-Holocene Sea-Level Highstand and Barrier Overwash from the Cam River Mouth, Vietnam. Journal of Coastal Research, 35: 852 – 860. Abstract 5. Williams, H.F.L. 2017. Assessing the effectiveness of coastal foredune barriers in reducing hurricane washover sedimentation. Journal of Coastal Research: volume 34, Issue 3: pp. 503 – 509. Abstract 6. Hodge, J. and Williams, H.F.L. 2016. Deriving spatial and temporal patterns of coastal marsh aggradation from hurricane storm surge marker beds, Geomorphology, 274: 50–63. Abstract 7. Williams, H., Choowong, M., Phantuwongraj, S., Surakietchai, P., Thongkhao, T., Kongsen, S., Simon, E. 2015. Geologic Records of Holocene Typhoon Strikes on the Gulf of Thailand Coast. Marine Geology online: doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2015.12.014 Abstract 8. Williams, H.F.L. 2015. Contrasting styles of Hurricane Irene washover sedimentation on three east coast barrier islands: Cape Lookout, North Carolina; Assateague Island, Virginia; and Fire Island, New York. Geomorphology, 231: 182–192. Abstract 10. Williams, H.F.L. and Denlinger, E. 2013. Contribution of Hurricane Ike storm surge sedimentation to long-term aggradation of Southeastern Texas coastal marshes. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65: 838-843. Abstract 11. Williams, H.F.L. 2012. Magnitude of Hurricane Ike storm surge sedimentation: implications for coastal marsh aggradation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 37: 901-906. Abstract 12. Williams, H.F.L. and Flanagan, W.M. 2009. Contribution of Hurricane Rita storm surge deposition to long-term sedimentation in Louisiana coastal woodlands and marshes. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 1671-1675. Abstract 13. Williams, H.F.L. 2008. GIS-based analysis of foundation repairs and soil conditions in the Dallas-Fort Worth region, Texas. Environmental Geology, 58, 919-928. Abstract 14. Williams, H.F.L., Havens, D.L., Banks K.E. and Wachal D.J. 2007. Field-based monitoring of sediment runoff from natural gas well sites in Denton County, Texas, USA. Environmental Geology, 55: 1463-1471. Abstract 15. Mangham, W. and Williams, H. 2007. GPS-Based Analysis Of Shoreline Change, 1995-2005, Mad Island Marsh Preserve, Matagorda County, Texas. Texas Journal of Science, 59: 61-72. Abstract 16. Vicars-Groening, J. and Williams, H.F.L. 2006. Impact of urbanization on storm response of White Rock Creek, Dallas, TX. Environmental Geology, 31: 1263-1269. Abstract 17. Williams, H.F.L., Hutchinson, I. and Nelson, A. 2005. Multiple sources for late Holocene Tsunamis at Discovery Bay, Washington. The Holocene, 15: 60-73. Abstract |